Budget justification proposal text
July 2008
Text for budget justification sections of proposals
The following text segments are for use by proposers in their Budget Justification sections, regarding the contribution to EESI scientific computing support discussed above. Note that this is the exact text that proposers must use.
Federal funding, EESI associate:
The bulk of computing will be performed on the high-performance Linux cluster Lion-XO, partially owned by EESI and maintained by the High Performance Computing Group (HPC) at Penn State University. EESI provides access at the highest priority level for job scheduling on the Lion-XO to any EESI associate on a funded basis. EESI computer support personnel will work with , providing necessary scientific computational research support for the proposed work. To work with the Lion-XO, each EESI associate must provide approximately $5000 of salary support per year for the EESI support personnel.
Federal funding, CEKA associate: (see note below).
The bulk of computing will be performed on the high-performance Linux cluster Lion-XO, partially owned by CEKA and maintained by the High Performance Computing Group (HPC) at Penn State University. CEKA provides access at the highest priority level for job scheduling on the Lion-XO to any CEKA associate on a funded basis. CEKA computer support personnel will work with , providing necessary scientific computational research support for the proposed work. To work with the Lion-XO, each CEKA associate must provide approximately $5000 of salary support per year for the CEKA support personnel.
Note: CEKA PIs do not need to make this contribution for research under the main CEKA grant, since it is already budgeted into the CEKA funding. It does apply if a CEKA PI writes another proposal involving use of the CEKA Linux cluster.
Non-federal funding:
The bulk of computing will be performed on the high-performance Linux cluster Lion-XO, partially owned by EESI and maintained by the High Performance Computing Group (HPC) at Penn State University. EESI provides access at the highest priority level for job scheduling on the Lion-XO to non-federally funded investigators on a funded basis. EESI computer support personnel will work with , providing necessary scientific computational research support for the proposed work. To work with the Lion-XO, each investigator must negotiate the salary support per year for the EESI support personnel. Priority on the Lion-XO cluster will be given to NSF-funded projects.