March 28 EarthTalks Speaker Chris Pyke
March 2011
Speaker to examine links between Green Building and Climate Change Adaptation
Chris Pyke, vice president of research for the U.S. Green Building Council, will discuss how green building can advance resilience and adaptation to climate change as part of the spring EarthTalks series, "Where Climate Science Meets the Road: Managing Resources for Climate Change."
His talk, "Green Building and Climate Change: Developing Practical Strategies for Adaptation and Resilience in Built Environments," is scheduled for 4 p.m., Monday, March 28, in 112 Walker.
Green building offers a vision for built environments that are better for people and the environment and has become a core part of the real estate industry around the world, Pyke says. Today, green building professionals understand the role of the built environment in mitigating greenhouse gas emissions. But connections to resilience and adaptation have yet to be made, and practical, science-based strategies and tools are not widely available.
Pyke also serves as the vice chair of the Chesapeake Bay Program's Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee. He is a lead author on Chapter 9: Buildings for Working Group III (Mitigation for Climate Change) for the next assessment report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
The 2011 spring EarthTalks seminar series, "Where Climate Science Meets the Road: Managing Resources for Climate Change," is sponsored by the Earth and Environmental Systems Institute (EESI). For the full list of speakers, visit Spring 2011 EarthTalks Series: "Managing Resources for Climate Change".